With Serenity and Great Aims

"The day is always his who works with serenity and great aims."Ralph Waldo Emerson

I love this quotation. “Serenity and great aims.” That actually sums up precisely how I try to approach each day.

There was a time when I was always rushing about, busy with my to-do lists, trying to fit a hundred things into every hour, and telling myself that I was great at “multi-tasking.”

But the reality was, all it did was stress me out — while making me less effective at everything I was trying to do.

Life is entirely different when you approach it with serenity as one of your express intentions.

And when you back that up with great aims — when you believe that what it is you are doing matters — then your whole world changes.

As an artist, it is at that moment your entire world opens up and becomes simple and clear … perhaps for the first time in your life.