There Is No Finish Line

— And I love that.

One of the wonderful things about any great passion is that there is no finish line to cross. There is no day you are striving to reach where you can lay down your tools and declare the work done.

Because in the end, the journey is everything.

The adventure you are on begins anew every time you take up your camera or open Photoshop. And you never know where that adventure will lead.

All that matters is that each day you choose to begin once more.

You’ll have good days, you’ll have bad days. That’s just how it works. Whatever way it goes, you can’t worry about it.

Because it all works itself out in the end.

All you need to do is hold your passion close to you as a cherished thing.

And each day, begin again.

Each day, decide once more to TRY.

~ Sebastian


PS: The wonderful image featured atop this post is by AWAKE artist Meaghan Nicole, one of many dozens of dedicated artists who have been striding forth and starting anew each day for years now, ever since AWAKE began. Inspiring us all — again and again — along the way.
