Photoshop. Next Level.

— Pro-caliber artwork often leaves us mystified.

(How did they DO that?)

If you are an aspiring artist yourself, it can be outright daunting.

This is why the best way to acquire pro-level Photoshop skills is by exploring actual pro artwork … really digging into it … breaking it down layer by layer, technique by technique.

When you see HOW enough such pieces were created — when you see how they actually work — it all opens up. 

It is then that such art becomes possible to YOU.

And this was the main idea behind the world-famous “AWAKE” training for Photoshop Mastery …

In fact, it was this that made it possible for hundreds and hundreds of photo artists around the world to go pro themselves.

“AWAKE” in 2020!

The original “AWAKE” Group (the talent behind the groundbreaking monthly international magazine Living the Photo Artistic Life) came on the scene in 2015.

The group re-opened each year, promptly filled up in a day, and then closed again. 

It was a big deal. 

Here in July 2020, we are trying something new . . . 

The “AWAKE” Group has been closed to new students for over a year.  And it was not slated to re-open. Yet after talking with many of the best artists in the group, it became clear that what they loved most (and got the most benefit from) were the advanced Photoshop tutorials. 

And keeping those hidden away started to seem terribly unfair.

Because this kind of training is transformative.

Seeing pro-caliber artwork laid out layer by layer, with every technique explained, is what makes this kind of artwork possible to new artists. 

It is how the artists of “AWAKE” got so dang good.

So what we decided to do is release a new version of the “AWAKE” training, focusing on the Photoshop tutorials.

And it turned out FANTASTIC . . .

Which is why we have decided to re-open with a new version of the “AWAKE” training here in 2020, focused entirely on the Photoshop tutorials.

We’ve dubbed it:

“AWAKE: Photoshop Artistry Edition”

You really need to see for yourself the kind of incredible experience we’ve put together for you. 

As long as you have a decent understanding of Photoshop — things like layers, layer masks, working with brushes — this is where you want to be to take your skills to a whole new level.

Do not miss this.

Your creative life will never be the same . . .

You will see why, for yourself, when you head over to:

THIS is how you become awesome.

– Sebastian


The extraordinary image featured on this post is by AWAKE artist Anna Czekala of France.