New Photography Group

— The talented artists in our advanced group “AWAKE: Living the Photo Artistic Life” aren’t just amazing in Photoshop. Many are also world-class photographers.

Which is why we decided to roll out a new private group celebrating their immense talent and creativity, with the idea of working together to push everyone’s photographic talents to new heights.

The group IS private, restricted to students enrolled in AWAKE, but if you do qualify you can request to join the others here:

But whether you’re in AWAKE yet or not, this December we’re hoping to roll out a brand new quarterly magazine with its focus expressly on all the most exciting photography being produced within the group.

Featuring the co-editorship of Myriam Kriel and designer Kim Marston, this new quarterly should prove a huge hit.

So look for that. It’s going to be stunning to view, and incredibly inspiring!

Lots of excitement ahead.

And you can expect each new issue to be showcased here at Quill and Camera.

– Sebastian


The photos featured on this page, starting at the top, are by AWAKE photographers Leanne Williams (feather), Thysje Arthur (sailboat), Bernice Fargus (cheetah), Ric Matkowski (illustrated man), Julie Powell (candy-colored model), Ajay Goel (star trails). You can expect to see more work by these and others from our AWAKE group in the new magazine this December!