— It’s easy to fall into thinking that your creativity only turns on when you sit down at your computer. But you can exercise your creativity anywhere, anytime.
So here’s a challenge for you to explore over the weeks ahead. Periodically just pause and become creatively awake to what is around you.
What could you DO with what’s immediately at hand?
How could you rearrange some of it … what could you add to it … in what way could you capture it in an image that you could then edit into something imaginative, surreal, or wonderful?
Pull up an imaginary canvas in your mind and start placing things on it, moving them around, daydreaming about how they might look rendered artistically.

Right now I bet you could walk into just about any room in your house and within a few minutes come up with something clever or creative you could photograph and then build into a composition.
Might need to move some stuff around. Might need to go grab something from another part of the house (or enlist someone in the family to place within the scene you’ve dreamed up).
But with a little imagination and a little work, you can totally pull off some of the creative ideas that come to you.
Make this a regular practice.
A few times each day, wherever you’re at, nudge your Muse (“Hey! Wake up. We’ve got work to do!”) and see what kinds of ideas you can cook up making use of whatever happens to be at hand.
And with the holiday season upon us, why not see if you can give your ideas a festive twist, as AWAKE artist Sherri Reed did so cleverly with this heap of old spoons.
All you need is a simple idea like this … and the willingness to grab your camera and take half an hour to bring your idea to life!
~ Sebastian